Repeater Station Discount
We are always looking for a way to expand our network. Obstacles such as trees, buildings and terrain make it difficult to reach every corner of Anderson Valley. If you have a location that has exceptional visibility to surrounding locations, especially those we cannot yet service, you may want to consider becoming a Repeater Station and receive a discount on your monthly service. Hosting a repeater station is no work for you as we will handle all the network and setup.
Rather than a single antenna mounted on your roof, we will install two; one for receive service and one to broadcast it. All that you need to provide is space to put the antennas at an easily accessible exterior location. All servicing needs will be done with well planned notification to you.
Discounts depend on your radio visibility and estimated coverage area and are done on a case-by-case basis. If you think that your location would be a good repeater station location, please tell us about it!